Abstract And Concrete

Concrete thinking will only consider the literal meaning while abstract thinking goes deeper than the facts to consider multiple or hidden meanings. As Buzzfeed reports, there was a small study done in 2011 that indicates some people never have “inner speech,” or words that travel through their head. The cogitating body prefers a hands-on appro

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Many types of energy work involve focused intent, especially in the field of healing. Expiation is another sort of prayer in which individuals admit their sin and request god to forgive them. Prayer simply put is energy. I know the Presence of Love, God, and Wholeness is greater than any situation or belief I may hold in my mind. Show me your ways,

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Tips On Sensual Massage

We mostly describe music as the art of putting sounds together and organizing the sounds so they could bring a response to whoever listens to them. Saying this, it is imperative why the ancient spiritual music form (termed as the "Dhrupad") performed in the temples and the courts from the ancient to the medieval times was connected to its spiritual

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